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Bacterial reproduction

Fortpflanzung zensiert

Let’s talk about sex

It is about time to focus on a pri­va­te topic. Espe­ci­al­ly sin­ce — even though some might con­sider it a pri­va­te mat­ter — it is actual­ly hap­pe­ning around us, on us… even within us — twen­ty-four-seven! All you’d need to obser­ve this would be the abili­ty to zoom in on your sur­roun­ding 1000-fold — and con­se­quent­ly per­haps would­n’t know whe­re to look anymore.

Fortpflanzung Bakterien

But sin­ce this blog claims to be sci­en­ti­fic, let’s get serious: bac­te­ri­al repro­duc­tion is based on pro­li­fe­ra­ti­on… you could also call it cell divi­si­on. Ther­eby, the who­le bac­te­ri­al cell devices into two iden­ti­cal cells — inclu­ding their orga­nel­les, shape, and gene­tic information. 

An intellectual game on bacterial reproduction

When micro­bio­lo­gists talk about growth, they don’t mean they mea­su­re the size of a bac­te­ri­al cell but are tal­king of the bac­te­ri­al cell num­ber instead.

bacterial reproduction

In this regard, sci­en­tists tend to use ano­ther sophisti­ca­ted term cal­led gene­ra­ti­on time which more or less descri­bes the amount of time nee­ded for a bac­te­ri­al popu­la­ti­on to dou­ble. It so hap­pens that some bac­te­ria like E. coli (an inha­bi­tant of our gut) can repro­du­ce and mul­ti­ply all 20–30 minu­tes. Bac­te­ri­al repro­duc­tion snow and ice on the other hand can take much lon­ger and result in gene­ra­ti­on times of seve­ral years. The­r­e­fo­re it is to remem­ber: repro­duc­tion usual­ly hap­pens fas­ter at warm tem­pe­ra­tures (not too warm though) and the doubling time, in gene­ral, is hig­her in natu­ral envi­ron­ments than it is in the lab becau­se of stres­sing factors.

Eit­her way, let’s play an intellec­tu­al game. The­r­e­fo­re we assu­me that a bac­te­ri­al cell that is resistant against any anti­bio­tic you can think of or is even mul­ti-resistant dou­bles every 30 minu­tes through cell divi­si­on (like it poten­ti­al­ly could within our gut). Obvious­ly, micro­bes need to eat and brea­the which is why we fur­ther assu­me that they are living in a per­fect (micro­bi­al) world wit­hout limi­ta­ti­ons in nut­ri­ents and wit­hout death. That way after just a sin­gle day, this one sin­gle bac­te­ri­al cell would have expo­nen­ti­al­ly mul­ti­pli­ed into 3^14 cells. As a num­ber: 4 782 969 cells! And all of them con­tain the resis­tance gene against the anti­bio­tic you thought of and could poten­ti­al­ly spread it to other bac­te­ri­al cells (and spe­ci­es) via bac­te­ri­al conjugation.

bacterial reproduction

Let that num­ber sink for a moment. Got it? Let’s move on!

Conjugation — when bacteria finally need a partner

Even though con­ju­ga­ti­on, trans­for­ma­ti­on, and trans­duc­tion may be not­hing to crow about, they are actual­ly quite fasci­na­ting. All of the­se things are ways to trans­fer gene­tic infor­ma­ti­on from one bac­te­ri­al cell to ano­ther. And they somehow get clo­se to the tra­di­tio­nal idea of repro­duc­tion we have.

Con­ju­ga­ti­on, as an exam­p­le, pro­vi­des bac­te­ria with the pos­si­bi­li­ty to share gene­tic ele­ments — like anti­bio­tic resis­tance genes — across the spe­ci­es bor­der. Igno­ring all pri­va­cy con­cerns again, we got­ta take a clo­ser look at this pro­cess. When two bac­te­ri­al cells meet and want to share their gene­tic infor­ma­ti­on (coded on a so-cal­led “plas­mid”), the one con­tai­ning the DNA frag­ment worth sha­ring uses its “pilus” (often refer­red to as “sex-pili”… you pro­ba­b­ly get why…) to estab­lish a cell-cell cont­act. With the help of enzy­mes within the donor, the plas­mid that con­ta­ins the gene­tic infor­ma­ti­on to be shared is dou­bled and trans­fer­red to the recei­ving cell. The two cells then sepa­ra­te and now both are donors for this gene­tic ele­ment and can con­ju­ga­te with new bacteria.

That’s pret­ty much as clo­se as you can get to “clas­sic” repro­duc­tion within microbes.

Howe­ver, even bac­te­ria need to play after some rules of mother natu­re, and not every plas­mid is the same. The­r­e­fo­re some DNA struc­tures can only be shared bet­ween some spe­ci­es, some can’t be shared at all while others can be shared across spe­ci­es bor­ders. Some of tho­se can even be shared bet­ween bac­te­ria and fungi.

Eit­her way, apart from sha­ring gene­tic infor­ma­ti­on via con­ju­ga­ti­on, bac­te­ria can also rely on trans­duc­tion and trans­for­ma­ti­on. While the lat­ter is just a fan­cy term for the abili­ty of micro­bes to take up “free-flowing” DNA from their envi­ron­ment into their cell, trans­duc­tion requi­res the invol­vement of viru­s­es. If you want to check out how the­se pro­ces­ses work in detail and how the­se add to the rise of super­bugs, check out this blog post!

All in all, we just lear­ned that even though bac­te­ri­al growth is based on simp­le cell divi­si­on, gene­tic mate­ri­al can also be shared dif­fer­ent­ly. The­se pro­ces­ses are espe­ci­al­ly to con­sider when tal­king about the spread of anti­bio­tic resis­tance and should not be over­loo­ked when tack­ling a glo­bal crisis.

The way bac­te­ri­al repro­duc­tion works and how they are able to share gene­tic infor­ma­ti­on are what makes them so suc­cessful in adap­ting to their envi­ron­ment. And in the end, we should never for­get, that bac­te­ria exis­ted long befo­re we did and will very likely still be here when we’­re gone long ago.

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