ESKAPE Bacteria
First things first: This is not about Escape Rooms at any point!
Even though the search for a way out of the impending “antibiotic crisis” admittedly resembles a real-life version of the trendy evening activity.
In fact, ESKAPE is an acronym that stands for THE(!) six multi-resistant bacteria against which new medications urgently need to be found.
Even though most of us are unlikely to remember the names of these bacterial pathogens, we should all have heard of them at least once. ESKAPE consists of: Enterococcus faecium, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Acinetobacter baumanii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Enterobacter species. If you happen to forget the names, Google will surely be happy to assist.
So why bother putting in the effort to condense six bacteria under a (admittedly extremely successful) acronym? Presumably, to stay in the public’s mind. After all, these are the very bacterial representatives against which new antibacterial substances urgently need to be found. Most of us have probably heard of the notorious hospital germs — and these six bacteria are among them. In professional circles, they are also often referred to as nosocomial pathogens.
Hospital-acquired infections have a reputation for drastically extending hospital stays. Even with the best and most thorough hygiene measures in place, it’s still possible to become infected with such a pathogen. The battle against these pathogens now extends to architecture. In hospitals, for example, attention is paid to ensuring that faucets, door handles, and similar surfaces have smooth surfaces and corners are rounded rather than sharp. Take a moment to observe this.
Of course, combating microorganisms is not as straightforward, and particularly the representatives of the ESKAPE group are exceptionally tenacious and resistant. They are often the causative agents of seemingly harmless infectious diseases. However, their multi-resistance greatly limits therapeutic options, drastically reducing the chances of recovery. Consequently, Acinetobacter baumanii, for example, is now listed by the WHO as one of the bacteria for which new antibacterial substances must urgently be found! Perhaps, however, there has already been success in this search (see here)?
Even though the ESKAPE bacteria may not always be dangerous or harmful to humans and can even cause asymptomatic infections, it is advisable to stay away from all six of them as much as possible. They infect almost anything that the medical practitioner can name with fancy Latin terms. Especially in cases of open wounds, a weakened immune system, a stay in the intensive care unit, or recent antibiotic therapy, one is more susceptible to infection with such a pathogen. It’s crucial to adhere closely to hygiene rules and avoid contact with representatives of the ESKAPE group. Social distancing, so to speak.
Those who want to play it safe during a hospital stay take precautions…