Irresistin — Two are better than one
What are some chaÂracÂteÂristics a subÂsÂtance needs to have to be conÂsideÂred the perÂfect antiÂbioÂtic? IdeÂalÂly, it is effecÂtiÂve against gram-posiÂtiÂve and gram-negaÂtiÂve bacÂteÂria, resistant against (attenÂtiÂon!) resisÂtances, easy and cheap to proÂduÂce, free from side effects and mayÂbe even come with a backÂup mechaÂnism of action to guaÂranÂtee that the pathoÂgen is effecÂtively kilÂled. Too good to be true? Not anymore!
SciÂenÂtists recentÂly reporÂted a new subÂsÂtance that meets all of theÂse criÂteÂria: Meet Irresistin.
The chaÂracÂteÂristic that makes IrreÂsisÂtin stand out is its dual mechaÂnisms of action. TheÂrÂeÂfoÂre, it can use two comÂpleÂteÂly difÂfeÂrent and sepaÂraÂte mechaÂnisms to attack the bacÂteÂriÂum of choice. On one hand, the antiÂbioÂtic does inhiÂbit folaÂte (vitÂamin B9) metaÂboÂlism. On the other hand, it can attack the bacÂteÂriÂal cell memÂbraÂne. While tarÂgeÂting the folaÂte cycle cauÂses the bacÂteÂria to be inhiÂbiÂted in its DNA synÂtheÂsis, attackÂing the bacÂteÂriÂal cell memÂbraÂne desÂtroys the layÂer that proÂtects the microÂorÂgaÂnism from its surÂrounÂdings and keeps its insiÂde conÂdiÂtiÂons conÂstant. No matÂter how IrreÂsisÂtin works in detail, both indeÂpenÂdent mechaÂnisms lead to the same result: the bacÂteÂriÂal cell being damaged.
To make it easier to underÂstand: here is Robin Hood (everÂyÂthing is easier to underÂstand with Robin Hood by your side!)
Robin Hood uses bow and arrow to fight his enemies. With the help of the spiky arrowhead, he can break the barÂriÂer of his tarÂget (human skin or armor; equiÂvaÂlent to the bacÂteÂriÂal cell memÂbraÂne). In most cases, the job is done with that.
HoweÂver, even the best archer can miss his tarÂget (not sayÂing Robin Hood ever did) and a graÂzing shot will hardÂly be enough to stop the eneÂmy once and for all.
In this case, it can be hanÂdy, if the arrowhead was soaÂked in poiÂson. This way, even a graÂze shoot can becoÂme a serious threat.
BasiÂcalÂly, this is exactÂly what IrreÂsisÂtin does. It got sort of an arrowhead to desÂtroy the bacÂteÂriÂal cell memÂbraÂne, but it also got its own sort of poiÂson that attacks the folaÂte synÂtheÂsis — just in case that desÂtroyÂing the cell memÂbraÂne didÂn’t do the job already.
If you haven’t been impresÂsed by now, we’Âve got you coverÂed! SciÂenÂtists have thus far been unable to proÂvoÂke any resisÂtance mechaÂnisms in any tests. HoweÂver, this doesÂn’t guaÂranÂtee that resisÂtance will never occur in the future, but it does make it unlikely.
OverÂall, the results of the stuÂdy are quite proÂmiÂsing! Irresistin’s dual mechaÂnism of action, its low rates of antiÂbioÂtic resisÂtance (espeÂciÂalÂly comÂpared to antiÂbioÂtics), and its effiÂcaÂcy against both gram-posiÂtiÂve and gram-negaÂtiÂve bacÂteÂria are making it the rising star on the horiÂzon. Lab tests even proÂved its abiliÂty to kill AciÂnÂetÂoÂbacÂter bauÂmaÂnii – a highÂly resistant pathoÂgen of the ESKAPE group!
Can it get any better?!
If you want to read more, check out the oriÂgiÂnal paper by James K. MarÂtin II et al. 2020.